Recommended Products

Cat #: 60-038
Sartorius 728535 Proline® Plus Mechanical Pipette, Singlechannel, 25µl, 1 Pipette/Unit
Singlechannel, 25µl
1 Pipette/Unit

Cat #: 13-039
Intact Genomics 1232-24 ig® 5-alpha DH5, Electrocompetent Cells, 12 x 50µl/Unit
Electrocompetent Cells
12 x 50µl/Unit

Cat #: 86-492
Eppendorf 022638807 5810/R Rotor, 4 x MTP, w/ Four MTP/Flex Plate Buckets, 1 Rotor/Unit
w/ Four MTP/Flex Plate Buckets
1 Rotor/Unit

Cat #: GS1-906
ProSci 4729 MED4 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 11-464HF
Zymo Research D5325-5-2 Positive Control, Zymo Research, 50µl (100ng/µl)/Unit
Zymo Research
50µl (100ng/µl)/Unit

Cat #: 33-223
Labnet International H5500 Mini LabRoller Rotator, W/ Rotisserie for 36x1.5/2.0, 1 Mini Lab Roller/Unit
W/ Rotisserie for 36x1.5/2.0
1 Mini Lab Roller/Unit

Cat #: 31-212S10B
Benchmark Scientific D1131-10 1.0mm Acid Washed Glass Beads, 200 gm, Bulk Beads, 200gm/Unit
Bulk Beads

Cat #: GS1-679
ProSci 4059 PD-L1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 17-704
PCR Biosystems PB30.33-01 UltraScript 2.0 Reverse Transcriptase, 2 x 25ul UltraScript 2.0 RTase & 1 x 200ul Buffer, 10,000U/Unit
2 x 25ul UltraScript 2.0 RTase & 1 x 200ul Buffer

Cat #: 35-204
Ahlstrom 0260-1420 Binder-Free Glass Microfiber Filters, Grade 26, 14.2cm, 50/Unit
Grade 26, 14.2cm

Cat #: 09-1342
DWK Life Sciences 209549 500 mL S/T Star Btl, WM HDPE Nat, W/Cap, WHEATON®, 48/Unit

Cat #: 11-504GB
Zymo Research C1006-250-G Zymo-Spin IIICG Columns, Capped, 250 Columns/Unit
250 Columns/Unit
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