Recommended Products

Cat #: 17-621C
PCR Biosystems PB20.61-05 Clara Probe Mix Lo-ROX, qPCR mix for probe-based DNA detection, 1000 x 20 ul Rxn/Unit
qPCR mix for probe-based DNA detection
1000 x 20 ul Rxn/Unit

Cat #: 93-117
Bel-Art 189850100, 100mm Petri Dish Rack Holds up to 54 Dishes, 1 Rack/Unit
Holds up to 54 Dishes
1 Rack/Unit

Cat #: GS1-427
ProSci 3373 UBC13 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 41-731
OHAUS 30391457 Individual Weight, 30kg, ASTM 1, NVLAP Certified, 1 Weight/Unit
ASTM 1, NVLAP Certified
1 Weight/Unit

Cat #: 21-266L
Olympus Plastics 21-266L, Olympus Screw-Caps, Violet With O-Ring, Bag of 500 Caps/Unit
With O-Ring
Bag of 500 Caps/Unit

Cat #: 86-477
Eppendorf 022637002 5804/10 Rotor, 30 x 1.5/2ml, w/ Lid, 1 Rotor/Unit
w/ Lid
1 Rotor/Unit

Cat #: 91-600F02
BrandTech Scientific 26535 Membrane Filter 0.2µm, accu-jet S Accessory, 10 Filters/Unit
accu-jet S Accessory
10 Filters/Unit

Cat #: 60-3155
Sartorius MCA116S-3S00-D QP1 Cubis® II High-Capacity Micro Balance, 0.001 mg, max. load 32 g, 1 Balance/Unit
0.001 mg, max. load 32 g
1 Balance/Unit

Cat #: 09-1160
DWK Life Sciences 09-0035NT 9Mm Nat Screwtin Cut T/S, WHEATON®, 100/Unit

Cat #: 17-513DP
PCR Biosystems PB20.24-51 qPCRBIO Probe Mix Separate-ROX, 50 x 1ml Mix & 2 x 520ul ROX, 5000 x 20ul Rxns/Unit
50 x 1ml Mix & 2 x 520ul ROX
5000 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

Cat #: 86-344
Eppendorf 022620665 5430R Centrifuge, Keypad, w/ 24 x Spin Column Rotor, 1 Centrifuge/Unit
w/ 24 x Spin Column Rotor
1 Centrifuge/Unit
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