Recommended Products

Cat #: 86-1821
Eppendorf 30127790 PCR Foil (self-adhesive), Eppendorf # 0030127790, 100 Films/Unit
Eppendorf # 0030127790
100 Films/Unit

Cat #: 27-804
Genesee Scientific 27-804, FreezeCell, Round 12 x 1.0/2ml vials, 1 Container/Unit
12 x 1.0/2ml vials
1 Container/Unit

Cat #: 72-394
RICCA Chemical R3163000-1A Fluoride Standard, 2 ppm F, Red, Premixed with TISAB, 1 L Poly Natural/Unit
Premixed with TISAB
1 L Poly Natural/Unit

Cat #: GS1-968
ProSci 4885 MARCH8 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 20-591G35
Prometheus Protein Biology Products 20-591G35 Empty 35ml Gravity Columns, PP, 2-6ml Resin Capacity, 50 Columns/Unit
PP, 2-6ml Resin Capacity
50 Columns/Unit

Cat #: 27-325S
Genesee Scientific 27-325S, Rack for 30 SBS Formatted Boxes & Plates Upright Style, 6H x 5L, 1 Rack/Unit
Upright Style, 6H x 5L
1 Rack/Unit

Cat #: 33-118C15
Benchmark Scientific Z366-250-A15 7 x 15ml Tube Carrier, for Hermle Z36 Rotor, 2 Tube Carriers/Unit
for Hermle Z36 Rotor
2 Tube Carriers/Unit

Cat #: 88-311
Genesee Scientific 88-311, Labeling Tape, 1in. x 500in. White, 1in. Core, 3 Rolls/Unit
White, 1in. Core
3 Rolls/Unit

Cat #: GS1-002
ProSci 1009 CXCR4 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 41-356
OHAUS 30100612 AX1502E Precision Balance 1520, 0.01g Readability, 1 Precision Balance/Unit
0.01g Readability
1 Precision Balance/Unit

Cat #: GS1-1994
ProSci 7873 DDDDK-tag Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 11-486A
Zymo Research R1013-2-100 RNA Binding Buffer, Zymo Research, 100 ml/Unit
Zymo Research
100 ml/Unit
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