Recommended Products

Cat #: 60-1439
Sartorius 16694-1-60-06 Microsart® Mini.Vac, 115 V, 60 Hz, 1 Vacuum/Unit
115 V, 60 Hz
1 Vacuum/Unit

Cat #: 33-758AR15H
Benchmark Scientific Z207-2420H Angle Rotor 24 x 1.5/2.0ml, AT Lid, Z207 Centrifuge Rotor, 1 Rotor/Unit
Z207 Centrifuge Rotor
1 Rotor/Unit

Cat #: 77-321H
Hettich 320RBLOOD, UNIVERSAL 320R, BLOOD, Refrigerated, exchangeable rotors, 4 x 13s & 16s
Refrigerated, exchangeable rotors
4 x 13s & 16s

Cat #: 86-1625
Eppendorf 951032620 DWP 96/1000, PCRclean, YELLOW, Eppendorf # 951032620, 20 Plates/Unit
Eppendorf # 951032620
20 Plates/Unit

Cat #: 33-413P1K
Labnet International P3900-1000 1000ul Labpette FX Pipettor, Fixed Volume, 1 Pipettor/Unit
Fixed Volume
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: GS1-462
ProSci 3459 Caspase-1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 11-590T
Zymo Research C1049-25 Zymo-Spin III-S Column Assembly, Zymo Research, 25/Unit
Zymo Research

Cat #: 09-987
DWK Life Sciences 355757 700 mL Flask, Tryps, Rub Lnr, Pourout, WHEATON®, 1/Unit

Cat #: EP87-882
Eppendorf 2231001051 Promo Cellxpert C170i Double Stack Left, Eppendorf Advantage Program, Expires: June 30th, 2025
Eppendorf Advantage Program
Expires: June 30th, 2025

Cat #: 25-224
GenClone 25-224, 96-Well Assay Plates, Clear Polystyrene, Round Bottom, 1 Plate/Pack, 100/Unit
Polystyrene, Round Bottom
1 Plate/Pack, 100/Unit

Cat #: 37-203P5K
Gilson F144066 PIPETMAN P5000, 500 - 5000ul, 1 Pipettor/Unit
500 - 5000ul
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: GS1-423
ProSci 3359 NADE Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit
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