Recommended Products
Cat #: 11-332T
Zymo Research R2081 Direct-zol DNA/RNA Miniprep, with TRI Reagent, 50 Preps/ Unit
with TRI Reagent
50 Preps/ Unit
Cat #: 30-428
MTC Bio D3096-23 OptiWell Deep Well Plate, 1.1ml, 96 Round Well, V-Bottom, 50 Plates/Unit
96 Round Well, V-Bottom
50 Plates/Unit
Cat #: 35-730
Ahlstrom 9620-4000 Qualitative Filter Papers, Wet-Strengthened, Grade 962, 40cm, 100/Unit
Grade 962, 40cm
Cat #: 86-457
Eppendorf 022654161 5430 Rotor, 18 x Cryo Tubes, w/ Lid, 1 Rotor/Unit
w/ Lid
1 Rotor/Unit
Cat #: 86-573
Eppendorf 022638246 15 x 2.6-7ml Adapters, For 250ml Rectangular Buckets, 2 Adapters/Unit
For 250ml Rectangular Buckets
2 Adapters/Unit
Cat #: 25-820
QBI 119-069-101CS PBS 10X, pH 7.4, w/o Ca & Mg, 10 x 500 mL/Unit
w/o Ca & Mg
10 x 500 mL/Unit
Cat #: 42-196
Apex Bioresearch Products 42-196 Apex Hot Start Taq, 2500u, Buffers I & II (Mg Free), 5 x 500u/Unit
Buffers I & II (Mg Free)
5 x 500u/Unit
Cat #: 41-310
OHAUS 30061978 EX324AD Analytical Balance 320, 0.1mg Readability, 1 Analytical Balance/Unit
0.1mg Readability
1 Analytical Balance/Unit
Cat #: 25-840
QBI 160-204-101 QBSF-60, w/ L-Glut & Phen Red, Sterile, 500 mL/Unit
w/ L-Glut & Phen Red, Sterile
500 mL/Unit
Cat #: GS1-1596
ProSci 6641 RKHD3 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit
Cat #: 35-343
Ahlstrom 1410-0900 Binder-Free Glass Microfiber Filters, Grade 141, 9cm, 100/Unit
Grade 141, 9cm
Cat #: 59-177
Flystuff 59-177 Replacement Springs, For Droso-Filler, 10 Springs/Unit
For Droso-Filler
10 Springs/Unit
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