Recommended Products

Cat #: 72-462
RICCA Chemical R3750000-10F Hydrochloric Acid, 6.00 Normal, 6.00 Normal, 10 L Cubitainer/Unit
6.00 Normal
10 L Cubitainer/Unit

Cat #: 86-184
Eppendorf 2231300034 Research Plus Trade-In, Adjustable Volume, 0.5-10µl, 1 Pipettor/Unit
Adjustable Volume, 0.5-10µl
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 33-108B1
Benchmark Scientific Z206-BND Z206-A Centrifuge Bundle, 6 x 50ml Rotor, 1 Centrifuge Bundle/Unit
6 x 50ml Rotor
1 Centrifuge Bundle/Unit

Cat #: 31-496E
Benchmark Scientific IPS7101-150 High Capacity Magnetic Stirrer, 150L, Ceramic, 230V, 1 Stirrer/Unit
150L, Ceramic, 230V
1 Stirrer/Unit

Cat #: 86-1206
Eppendorf M1282-0291 12 Port Gassing Manifold, For Innova 44, 1 Manifold/Unit
For Innova 44
1 Manifold/Unit

Cat #: 86-1373
Eppendorf U9043-0002 Innova CO2 Backup, 120-220V, 1 Backup/Unit
1 Backup/Unit

Cat #: 33-901
Genesee Scientific 33-901 Poseidon Pipette Controller, Retractable Stand, 1 Pipette Controller/Unit
Retractable Stand
1 Pipette Controller/Unit

Cat #: 69-336
Alpha Biosciences T20-110-10kg Trypto Soy Broth (T20-110), Alpha Biosciences, 10kg/Unit
Alpha Biosciences

Cat #: 86-1614
Eppendorf 951032301 DWP 96/500, STERILE, WHITE, Eppendorf # 951032301, 120 Plates/Unit
Eppendorf # 951032301
120 Plates/Unit

Cat #: GS1-1147
ProSci 5389 RIPK1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 75-328
Eisco CHWB1021PK6 Wash Bottle for Distilled Water, 500ml, Wide Mouth, Self Venting LDPE, 6 Bottles/Unit
Wide Mouth, Self Venting LDPE
6 Bottles/Unit

Cat #: GS1-2534
ProSci 1707-03 Kidney Tissue Lysate (Tumor), ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit
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