Recommended Products

Cat #: 11-393E
Zymo Research D3001-2-125 Proteinase K w/ Storage Buffer Set (125mg), Zymo Research, 125mg/Unit
Zymo Research

Cat #: 17-621C
PCR Biosystems PB20.61-05 Clara Probe Mix Lo-ROX, qPCR mix for probe-based DNA detection, 1000 x 20 ul Rxn/Unit
qPCR mix for probe-based DNA detection
1000 x 20 ul Rxn/Unit

Cat #: 45-108C9
Genesee Scientific 45-108C9 9 Tooth Comb, 1.5mm Thick, For Mini Vertical Gel Box, 1 Comb/Unit
For Mini Vertical Gel Box
1 Comb/Unit

Cat #: 45-102PE
Genesee Scientific 45-102PE Positive Electrode, for 15cm Gel Box, 1 Electrode/Unit
for 15cm Gel Box
1 Electrode/Unit

Cat #: GS1-4801
ProSci 5731_S APC7 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: GS1-5400
ProSci 6631_S EPAC1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 41-340
OHAUS 30100602 AX224 Analytical Balance 220g, 0.1mg Readability, 1 Analytical Balance/Unit
0.1mg Readability
1 Analytical Balance/Unit

Cat #: 86-231
Eppendorf 486100725 Xplorer Plus,15-300µl Trade-In, For Use With 300µl Tips, 1 Pipettor/Unit
For Use With 300µl Tips
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 11-427B
Zymo Research D4050-2-70 Sequencing Wash Buffer, Zymo Research, 70 ml/Unit
Zymo Research
70 ml/Unit

Cat #: 86-1475
Eppendorf 22491768 epT.I.P.S. Reloads 1250ul, PCR Clean, 960 Tips/Unit
PCR Clean
960 Tips/Unit

Cat #: 09-1481
DWK Life Sciences 242414 13mm Extend Control Dpr Tip, LLDPE Blu, WHEATON®, 100/Unit
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