Recommended Products

Cat #: GS1-2721
ProSci 2201_S CX3CR1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 25-959
Quality Biological Inc 351-302-101 TNE Buffer, TNE Buffer 500ml, 1 Bottle/Unit
TNE Buffer 500ml
1 Bottle/Unit

Cat #: 12-107ALP
Olympus Plastics 12-107ALP, 50ml Serological Pipets Sterile, Individually Wrapped, 100 Pipets/Unit
Sterile, Individually Wrapped
100 Pipets/Unit

Cat #: 37-611
Gilson F1077505 Pipette Mount, For MACROMAN, 1 Mount/Unit
1 Mount/Unit

Cat #: 30-138
Prometheus Protein Biology Products 30-138 Blotting Boxes, Mini-rectangle, Clear, 7.3 x 5.1 x 3.2cm, 5 Boxes/Unit
7.3 x 5.1 x 3.2cm
5 Boxes/Unit

Cat #: GS1-619
ProSci 3895 TRPC3 Antibody, ProSci, 0.1 mg/Unit
0.1 mg/Unit

Cat #: 09-139
DWK Life Sciences 227497-07G 300 mL BOD Btl, 145 - 168, Gls P-Head St, WHEATON®, 24/Unit

Cat #: 31-178
Benchmark Scientific B3000-5L, Hybex Media Storage Bottle 5L, Standard GL45 blue cap, 1 Bottle/Unit
Standard GL45 blue cap
1 Bottle/Unit

Cat #: 33-130AR50
Benchmark Scientific Z287-0650 Angle Rotor, 6 x 50ml Conical, Z287 Centrifuge Rotor, 1 Rotor/Unit
Z287 Centrifuge Rotor
1 Rotor/Unit

Cat #: 09-306
DWK Life Sciences 26500-4000 Flask,Narrow Mouth,Wht Scale,4000ml, KIMBLE®, 1/Unit

Cat #: 86-170
Eppendorf 4924000061 Reference 2, 20-200µl, For Use With 200µl Tips, 1 Pipettor/Unit
For Use With 200µl Tips
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 86-1931
Eppendorf 6734010015 CellXpert C170 CO2 Incubator, Standard Display, Right Handle, 1 Incubator/Unit
Standard Display, Right Handle
1 Incubator/Unit
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