Recommended Products

Cat #: 72-839
RICCA Chemical R9190000-4A Water, USP/EP Purified, USP/EP Purified, 4 L Poly Natural/Unit
USP/EP Purified
4 L Poly Natural/Unit

Cat #: 75-060
Eisco CH0441A01, 5ml Volumetric Flask w/ Glass Stopper Class A, 1 Flask/Unit
Class A
1 Flask/Unit

Cat #: 60-1213
Sartorius YDH03MS Display Holder, Cubis® 10/100mg-Balance, 1 Stand/Unit
Cubis 10/100mg-Balance
1 Stand/Unit

Cat #: 33-215
Labnet International D0400 AccuPlate Hotplate, 5 x 7in. Ceramic Top, 1 Hotplate/Unit
5 x 7in. Ceramic Top
1 Hotplate/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6254
ProSci 7935_S SHBG Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 44-100SBK
NEXT-GEN 44-100SBK X-GEN Nitrile Gloves, S, Black, PF, 3 mil, 10 Boxes of 100 Gloves/Unit
Black, PF, 3 mil
10 Boxes of 100 Gloves/Unit

Cat #: 86-2934
Eppendorf 4861000027 Xplorer, 10 - 200µl, For Use With 200µl Tips, 1 Pipettor/Unit
For Use With 200µl Tips
1 Pipettor/Unit

Cat #: 33-247
Poseidon 33-247, Digital Orbital Shaker, Purple/Grey, 1 Shaker/Unit
1 Shaker/Unit

Cat #: GS1-5298
ProSci 6459_S UHRF1BP1 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6180
ProSci 7825_S Avian Influenza A H7N9 Hemagglutinin Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit

Cat #: 11-609
Zymo Research C2004-SW Zymo-Spin I-96 Plate, Shallow-Wlell, 2 Plates/Unit
2 Plates/Unit

Cat #: GS1-6633
ProSci 9269_S SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) NSP15 Antibody, ProSci, 0.02 mg/Unit
0.02 mg/Unit
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