Cat #: 17-520B

PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit primary image
PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit secondary image
PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit primary image
PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit primary image
PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit secondary image

Cat #: 17-520B

PCR Biosystems PB20.31-20 qPCRBIO HRM Mix, 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix, 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix

500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

Brand: PCR Biosystems

  • Accurate and fast detection of genetic mutations and SNPs
  • Detects subtle sequence variations including class I to class IV mutations
  • Discriminates CpG methylation differences
  • Utilizes SyGreen 2, a 3rd generation dye that produces ultra-sensitive melt profiles
  • Efficient specific amplification from GC rich and AT rich sequences
  • Universal compatability on all qPCR machines capable of HRM in both fast and standard cycling conditions


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5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix

500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit

Brand: PCR Biosystems

  • Accurate and fast detection of genetic mutations and SNPs
  • Detects subtle sequence variations including class I to class IV mutations
  • Discriminates CpG methylation differences
  • Utilizes SyGreen 2, a 3rd generation dye that produces ultra-sensitive melt profiles
  • Efficient specific amplification from GC rich and AT rich sequences
  • Universal compatability on all qPCR machines capable of HRM in both fast and standard cycling conditions

High Resolution Melt (HRM) analysis is a powerful post-PCR analysis method used to detect and identify mutations, polymorphisms and epigenetic differences in double-stranded DNA samples.

qPCRBIO HRM Mix uses the novel SyGreen 2 intercalating dye. SyGreen 2 does not inhibit PCR and is a saturating, 3rd generation dye essential for accurate SNP genotyping. Unlike first generation dyes, SyGreen 2 can be used at high concentrations and does not have a different affinity for AT or GC rich sequences. Combining the latest advancements in polymerase technology and advanced buffer chemistry we offer market leading performance with minimal or no optimisation. qPCRBIO HRM Mix delivers accurate detection of subtle sequence variations including class I to class IV mutations and CpG methylation differences. Many modern real-time PCR instruments have a fast cycling mode. The same developments that improve the sensitivity and consistency of qPCRBIO HRM Mix in standard cycling conditions also allow for industry leading performance in fast and ultra fast cycling conditions.

Reactions 500 x 20ul Rxns/Unit
Packaging 5 x 1ml HRM Master Mix
Storage Between -30 and -15°C
MgCl2 Concentration Mix contains 12mM for final reaction concentration of 3mM
Compare To Applied Biosystems™ MeltDoctor™ HRM Master Mix, Qiagen Type-it HRM PCR Kit, KAPA HRM FAST qPCR Kit Master Mix 2x

For efficient amplification under fast cycling conditions we recommend amplicon lengths between 80bp and 200bp. With all manufacturers master mixes the shorter the amplicon length the faster the reaction can be cycled. Amplicon lengths should not exceed 400bp. Primers should have a predicted melting temperature of around 60°C, using default Primer 3 settings (

Applied Biosystems: 7900, 7900HT, 7900HT FAST, StepOneTM, StepOneTM Plus, 7500, 7500 FAST, Viia7TM Bio-Rad®: CFX96TM, CFX384TM Eppendorf: Mastercycler® ep realplex, Mastercycler® realplex 2S Illumina®: EcoTM Qiagen/Corbett: 6000, Q Roche Applied Science: Lightcycler®480, Lightcycler®Nano

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