Cat #: 42-116PG
Apex Bioresearch Products A323402 Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix, 2X, Without ROX, 5ml, 400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit

Cat #: 42-116PG
Apex Bioresearch Products A323402 Apex qPCR GREEN Master Mix, 2X, Without ROX, 5ml, 400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
2X, Without ROX, 5ml
400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
Brand: Apex Bioresearch Products- All-in-one master mixes for dye (SYBR)-based detection - just add primers and DNA!
- Instrument Compatibility: Bio-Rad®, Roche®, Corbett
- Exceptional efficiency, specificity and reproducibility
- Extended benchtop stability! - tested stable at room temp for >48hrs
- Set up reactions at room temp. and run several hours later if convenient!
- Detection limit: approximately 1 copy. Quantitation limit: approximately 24 copies
- Conveniently packaged in multiple tubes of 1.25ml aliquots
- Unopened product is stable at -20º for 2 years

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2X, Without ROX, 5ml
400 x 25µl Reactions/Unit
Brand: Apex Bioresearch Products- All-in-one master mixes for dye (SYBR)-based detection - just add primers and DNA!
- Instrument Compatibility: Bio-Rad®, Roche®, Corbett
- Exceptional efficiency, specificity and reproducibility
- Extended benchtop stability! - tested stable at room temp for >48hrs
- Set up reactions at room temp. and run several hours later if convenient!
- Detection limit: approximately 1 copy. Quantitation limit: approximately 24 copies
- Conveniently packaged in multiple tubes of 1.25ml aliquots
- Unopened product is stable at -20º for 2 years
Apex 2X GREEN Master Mixes are single-tube 2x reagents including all components necessary to perform DNA-binding dye based real-time DNA amplification. Just add your primers and DNA. Apex qPCR 2x Master Mixes are available with high, low or without ROX for optimal performance on most of the commonly used real-time PCR instruments. The qPCR Master Mixes promote high specificity and low background by using Apex Hot Start DNA polymerase, a modified Taq DNA polymerase with hot start capabilities. The unopened product is stable at -20 °C for 2 years. Store the qPCR 2X Master Mix at 4 °C after thawing. Once thawed, full activity is guaranteed for 3 months.
Applications include genomic and cDNA, absolute and relative quantitation, presence/absence experiments, SNP analysis, genotyping, and pathogen detection. Detection limit: approximately 1 copy. Quantitation limit: approximately 24 copies (0.08 ng of human gDNA, correlating to 12 diploid genomes, with 2 gene copies per diploid genome)
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