Cat #: 55-127

Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin® siRNA and miRNA Transfection Reagent, Over 90% gene silencing, 100 µl/unit

Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin
Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin

Cat #: 55-127

Polyplus-transfection 101000036 INTERFERin® siRNA and miRNA Transfection Reagent, Over 90% gene silencing, 100 µl/unit

Over 90% gene silencing

100 µl/unit

Brand: Polyplus-transfection

  • Great silencing using as little as 1 nM siRNA
  • Over 90% gene silencing in a wide variety of cells
  • Suitable for transfection miRNA and other oligonucleotides
  • Gentle mode of action for more robust data and excellent cell viability
  • Compatible with serum and antibiotics


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Over 90% gene silencing

100 µl/unit

Brand: Polyplus-transfection

  • Great silencing using as little as 1 nM siRNA
  • Over 90% gene silencing in a wide variety of cells
  • Suitable for transfection miRNA and other oligonucleotides
  • Gentle mode of action for more robust data and excellent cell viability
  • Compatible with serum and antibiotics

INTERFERin® is a powerful, ready to use siRNA and miRNA reagent which provides more than 90% silencing efficiency at 1 nM siRNA in a wide variety of cells.

Using low concentration of siRNA avoids off-target effects, and its gentle mode of action ensure more robust data and excellent cell viability. Easy to use thanks to its compatibility with serum and antibiotics, INTERFERin® is also perfectly suited for transfection of miRNA and other oligonucleotides such as pre-miRNA, mimic miRNA, antimiR, etc... Delivery information: 1 ml of INTERFERin® is sufficient to perform 500 to 1000 transfections in 24-well plates.

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Product Selection Guide

Delivered Molecules
Cell types
Recommended use
In vitro
jetOPTIMUS® Hard to transfect cells Research purpose
jetPRIME® Research purpose
INTERFERin® RNA interference
jetMESSENGER® Hard-to-transfect cells Research purpose
jetCRISPR® CRISPR/Cas9 experiment
jetPEI® High Throughput Screening Research purpose
jetPEI®-Macrophage Primary macrophages, glial & dendritic cells Cell specific
jetPEI®-Hepatocyte Primary Hepatocytes Cell specific
PULSin Proteofection
Plasmid DNA
Recommended use
In vivo
in vivo-jetRNA® in vivo mRNA transfection
in vivo-jetPEI® in vivo transfection to all organs
in vivo-jetPEI®-Man in vivo delivery to mannose-receptor expressing tissue
in vivo-jetPEI®-Gal in vivo delivery to liver
jetSI 10 mM siRNA transfection to brain