Cat #: 55-214

Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA® Delivery Reagent, Injectable mRNA Reagent, 0.3ml Reagent/Unit

Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA
Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA
Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA
Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA
Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA
Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA
Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA

Cat #: 55-214

Polyplus-transfection 101000013 in vivo-jetRNA® Delivery Reagent, Injectable mRNA Reagent, 0.3ml Reagent/Unit

Injectable mRNA Reagent

0.3ml Reagent/Unit

Brand: Polyplus-transfection

  • Reagent of choice for mRNA in vivo delivery
  • Applications Include: vaccination/immunotherapy, cancer therapy, in vivo functional studies (gene expression, CRISPR genome editing)
  • Adaptable: Suited for any injection route to target any organ
  • Safe: Maintain healthy animals and organs
  • Time-saving: Ready-to-use reagent with an easy protocol
  • Tailored: Customized protocols from in vivo delivery experts


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List Price: $728.20
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Injectable mRNA Reagent

0.3ml Reagent/Unit

Brand: Polyplus-transfection

  • Reagent of choice for mRNA in vivo delivery
  • Applications Include: vaccination/immunotherapy, cancer therapy, in vivo functional studies (gene expression, CRISPR genome editing)
  • Adaptable: Suited for any injection route to target any organ
  • Safe: Maintain healthy animals and organs
  • Time-saving: Ready-to-use reagent with an easy protocol
  • Tailored: Customized protocols from in vivo delivery experts

in vivo-jetRNA® is a transfection reagent specifically developed to deliver mRNA in vivo. in vivo-jetRNA® can be used to target multiple organs, by using systemic or local injection routes, in various animal models. mRNA delivery using in vivo-jetRNA® is user-friendly, with a simple 2-step protocol and can be used for vaccination purposes, anti-cancer studies, genome editing using CRISPR/Cas9 method or protein replacement.

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Product Selection Guide

Delivered Molecules
Cell types
Recommended use
In vitro
jetOPTIMUS® Hard to transfect cells Research purpose
jetPRIME® Research purpose
INTERFERin® RNA interference
jetMESSENGER® Hard-to-transfect cells Research purpose
jetCRISPR® CRISPR/Cas9 experiment
jetPEI® High Throughput Screening Research purpose
jetPEI®-Macrophage Primary macrophages, glial & dendritic cells Cell specific
jetPEI®-Hepatocyte Primary Hepatocytes Cell specific
PULSin Proteofection
Plasmid DNA
Recommended use
In vivo
in vivo-jetRNA® in vivo mRNA transfection
in vivo-jetPEI® in vivo transfection to all organs
in vivo-jetPEI®-Man in vivo delivery to mannose-receptor expressing tissue
in vivo-jetPEI®-Gal in vivo delivery to liver
jetSI 10 mM siRNA transfection to brain